What you should have: Zelda Ocarina of Time 3DS
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Invocation Prayer Forgraduation
Cartoonist Cartoons!
Two of the works done especially for the exhibition.
Amy Winehouse, acrylic s / paper and Osvaldo Pugliese x David Pugliese, airbrushing.
Two of the works done especially for the exhibition.
Amy Winehouse, acrylic s / paper and Osvaldo Pugliese x David Pugliese, airbrushing.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
What Do Lipomas Look Like
of the good, Short! Star Fox
Here is a compiled, first some more oldies, but good good!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Offensive Watery Stools
64/3DS, which should have!
Point 1, to correct errors:
Recalling my Christmas 1997, I could not believe my father had given us a Nintendo 64, and the legendary Star Fox 64 that came with the Rumble Pack and even batteries included XD Nipponese.
Over a decade has passed from this and next year Nintendo will finally a remake of that great title, but again, more than a decade has passed, and I hope not whether the same is true for his time on Star Fox 64 was the best I could find, fun, full of secrets, a great soundtrack, the first game with vibrating control, good graphics, it really had everything.
But today we see those games that I miss the old days may have been better, and we see that quality standards have risen, thanks to that we now have more powerful machines that not only give us better ; graphics, if not also more possibilities to play, so I hope this remake is in line with what in this case the 3DS can deliver.
Point 1, to correct errors:
a) Slippy Toad : When I heard he was a man , could not believe it, years thinking it was the classic stereotype of girl, that is, not only by the voice !!!!, but also for being an / a lousy pilot, having be rescued, and always mourn for help, I hope your voice is appropriate to its character, but not shit like a voice of Game Cube games.
(For me, it was better that is was a woman, I was interesting to see a woman who designed the Arwing and be an excellent mechanic, he forgave be such a bad driver just for that)
b) Versus mode: the Nintendo 64 could perhaps have had more capacity, versus was good, but could be much better, the 3 areas to choose did not give much variety and could have more elements rather than only 1 pump and 1 enhances the lá be .
c) Output Level: hoped that once completed the game in expert mode, I could choose which level without having to always start from the first stage whenever I turned on my console, sometimes I just wanted Area 6 to enjoy, or false Venom!.
Point 2 News that should come!
a) Co-op: for 3ds what I can offer this would seem an insult that does not have, ie how we can play with a close friend or online, we can see each other with the front camera and talk live with the included microphone.
b) New levels: thousand new levels do not ask, but if it could be a prequel to some stages with different missions when Fox's father was a pilot, not something new, Nintendo Surprise me!
c) Improved Artificial Intelligence: find that the hardware of today and the new schedule could give rise to have characters react and to better help me in my mission, more than just talk and do the same thing, or it can defeat any enemy on their own.
say whether I miss something!, I hope soon to publish ideas for the remake of Zelda Ocarina
3DS (each entry in video games is an Easter Egg (easter egg) XD hidden
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Difference Between Foliculitis And Herpes
Monograph: Harpagophytum procumbens
C OMPOSITION chemistry:
The root is rich in stachyose, raffinose and other bears simple, free and heterosídicos contains phytosterols, triterpenes (oleanolic acid), flavonoids, phenolic acids, amino quinones, waxes and esters heterosídicos phenylpropane (verbacósido, isoacteósido).
widely used modern Phytotherapy the mist, dry, or powdered drug infusions and decoctions harpagofito if rheumatic diseases. In the case of minor painful joint manifestations is used both oral and topical, but it is preferable to use the drug as an adjunct to conventional therapy. We advise against use in pregnant or breastfeeding. It is contraindicated in patients with duodenal or gastric ulcer in cases of hypersensitivity to the drug. The Commission E (Germany) other properties attributed to the drug: choleretic, appetite stimulants, anti-inflammatory and analgesic weakly, which should be targeted in its galenic preparations.
The known dosage forms include:
Among simple presentations, sold in Europe include:
defects E Toxic
Authors, Vania Silva, Javier Castro
N official ombre:
Harpagofito, Devil's claw, devil's claw root, Windhoek.
The drug is made by the secondary roots (lateral) of tuberized Harpagophytum procumbens, which are cut into taleolas, you should be cut when they are still fresh, as dried are very hard. They are then left to dry in the sun, so you get an irregular circle about the size of 1cm 3 , which are easily transportable and resistant to decay.
P active rinciples * 1 :
compounds that provide the pharmacological activity to correspond to glycosides harpagofito bitter iridoid type, where the most harpagoside (hydroxylated iridoids cinnamate in C8), also is the 8-( 4-cumaroil)-harpagide of procumbide and ester 4-cumaroílico in 6 'of it, as well as the derivative of the 3.6-procumbide anhydrous, the procumbide.
The iridoid represent 0.5 to 3% of the mass of dried drug and according to the European Pharmacopoeia the dry drug must contain at least 1.2% of harpagoside.
harpagoside |
Procúmbido |
D escription:
4.a) Location: It is particularly to South Africa in countries such as: Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. Cultivation has taken place in Europe without much success in terms of production, so that the holding is mainly natural growth of it, at harvest care is taken to keep the main root intact for future regeneration.
4.b) macroscopic features
-From plant : The Devil's Claw is a plant 1.5m tall, with stems creeping perennial xerophytic radio. Characteristic of this species are large solitary flowers (4-6 cm), whose pale yellow tube thickens into a lobed corolla red-purple deep. Presents a capsule-shaped fruit with a woody texture full of stingers concluded by a crown of hooks with sharp, curved claw is called the devil because of the disruption angry that show the animals when these hooks embedded in their paws.
- drug : The secondary roots containing more than 90% water cut into smaller pieces (taleolas) to facilitate drying, these cuts are light brown and flabellate form or similar to a dried mushroom. Have rolled edges with radial and concentric striations. Its taste is extremely bitter and has no smell.
4c) Microscopic characteristics * 3 :
drug-: We describe several rows of large cells suberized, often thin wall containing yellowish brown. Parenchymatous cortex is very occasional sclereids containing reddish brown. The xylem is arranged in concentric rings, has webbed vessels show thickened and some holes in the ends of the vessel walls traqueidales. Abundant lignified parenchyma cells associated the vessels and the small central core.
P identification ROOF * 3 :
"Try phloroglucinol HCl: 0.1 g powdered drug Devil's Claw, add 0.2 mL of phloroglucinol HCl (1:1), you get a dark green color.
thin-layer chromatography : using a mixture of ethyl acetate: methanol: water (77:15:8) as solvent system, let it rise a distance of 10 cm above the base line. Add 20 mL of each of the following solutions separately to the plate: 1) Extract 1 g of powdered devil's claw with 10 mL of methanol to 60% in a thermostated bath for 10-15 minutes, cool and filter. 2) Solution 0.025% methanol routine, spray the plate with Spray reagent D, heat to 100 º C for 5 to 10 minutes and observe daylight. The most important bands on routine are approximately as follows: 1.35 coffee, coffee 1.3, purplish brown (deep) 1.1, 0.9 green coffee.
D etermination of foreign elements to the drug * 3 :
D etermination of foreign elements to the drug * 3 :
No more than 2%
D etermination of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid * 3:
D etermination of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid * 3:
should not exceed 5%
D Adulterants etermination * 1 :
A study published in 1997 has shown that some commercial extracts are prepared from a mixture of H. procumbens and a related species H. zeiheri DECNA. This is less rich in harpagoside (0.7-1.4%), but contains 0.9 to 1.8% of 8-( 4-cumaroil)-harpagide. Experiments in rodents have shown that anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of extract of roots of H. zeihleri \u200b\u200bare not significantly different from the official drug extract ( H. procumbens )
A study published in 1997 has shown that some commercial extracts are prepared from a mixture of H. procumbens and a related species H. zeiheri DECNA. This is less rich in harpagoside (0.7-1.4%), but contains 0.9 to 1.8% of 8-( 4-cumaroil)-harpagide. Experiments in rodents have shown that anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of extract of roots of H. zeihleri \u200b\u200bare not significantly different from the official drug extract ( H. procumbens )
T ECHNICAL valuation of active ingredients * 2 :
were taken 100 g of dried slices of the root of Harpagophytum procumbens secondary, ground to powder. Was extracted by shaking twice with methanol at room temperature to obtain 26 g of crude extract. The extract was fractionated through the bed of silica normal phase chromatography method using a vacuum column short. A progressive increase the polarity of the mobile phase (200 ml) consisting of a mixture of chloroform / methanol (CHCl3: MeOH ratio, 100:0, 99:1, 98:2, 96:4, 94:6, 92:8, 90:10, 88:12, 85:15 and 80:20) was used for elution of the components. The eluents were analyzed by TLC with a mobile phase system consisting of CHCl3: MeOH: H2O (10:2:0.1). The harpagoside was purified and identified as 8-OE-cinnamoilharpagido.
were taken 100 g of dried slices of the root of Harpagophytum procumbens secondary, ground to powder. Was extracted by shaking twice with methanol at room temperature to obtain 26 g of crude extract. The extract was fractionated through the bed of silica normal phase chromatography method using a vacuum column short. A progressive increase the polarity of the mobile phase (200 ml) consisting of a mixture of chloroform / methanol (CHCl3: MeOH ratio, 100:0, 99:1, 98:2, 96:4, 94:6, 92:8, 90:10, 88:12, 85:15 and 80:20) was used for elution of the components. The eluents were analyzed by TLC with a mobile phase system consisting of CHCl3: MeOH: H2O (10:2:0.1). The harpagoside was purified and identified as 8-OE-cinnamoilharpagido.
C ONSERVATION and proper storage to preserve its active ingredients:
C OMPOSITION chemistry:
The root is rich in stachyose, raffinose and other bears simple, free and heterosídicos contains phytosterols, triterpenes (oleanolic acid), flavonoids, phenolic acids, amino quinones, waxes and esters heterosídicos phenylpropane (verbacósido, isoacteósido).
Ef drug scientifically ECTOS shown * 1 :
The pharmacological results of work conducted with this plant drug showed that the aqueous extract administered intraperitoneally and dose-dependent manner (100 to 400 mg / kg ) in rats with their paws edema induced by carrageenan, is active. Not have the same result when given orally probably by the destruction of the active ingredients at the gastric level. Moreover, this extract is inactive when injecting it in an acid medium prior to administration. By contrast the normal activity of the extract when administered intraduodenally. Tested under the same conditions, the harpagoside is inactive but involved in the peripheral analgesic action has been shown experimentally for the aqueous extract (100 mg / kg).
In some studies, the observations in humans tend to indicate that the long-term use of preparations of devil's claw (eg nebulized harpagoside worth) would be able to improve significantly the different sites of osteoarthritis. However, a comparative study of aqueous extract vs. indomethacin has not shown a beneficial effect in arthritis patients. More recently, a double-blind trial on patients suffering from pain dorsal not finished with conclusive results, however it is clear suspicion of activity for the aqueous extract (6 g / day x 4 weeks), only, other tests may confirm or reverse. Either way, it remains to explain the origin of the activity: only known that prolonged administration to healthy male powder (2 g / day x 21 days per os) did not alter the metabolism of arachidonic acid.
widely used modern Phytotherapy the mist, dry, or powdered drug infusions and decoctions harpagofito if rheumatic diseases. In the case of minor painful joint manifestations is used both oral and topical, but it is preferable to use the drug as an adjunct to conventional therapy. We advise against use in pregnant or breastfeeding. It is contraindicated in patients with duodenal or gastric ulcer in cases of hypersensitivity to the drug. The Commission E (Germany) other properties attributed to the drug: choleretic, appetite stimulants, anti-inflammatory and analgesic weakly, which should be targeted in its galenic preparations.
The known dosage forms include:
-Decoction: 3 tablespoons of dessert harpagofito secondary roots were crushed in 750 mL of water, boil 3 minutes and allow to marinate for 10 to 15 hours. Take it 3 times, 10 minutes before meals.
-fluid extract (1:1) 30 to 50 drops 3 times daily between meals.
-Tincture: (1:10) 50 to 100 drops, 2 to 4 times a day.
-Dry Extract (3:1) 1 or 2 g / day.
Powder : 1 to 3 g, in three doses
"As anti-inflammatory-antirheumatic prolonged treatment should be prescribed at least 3 months.
Among simple presentations, sold in Europe include:
-Arkochim-SPAIN, SA.
ARKOCAPSULAS harpago (root): Rating: 3% glucoiridoides. Packages containing 50 and 100 capsules of 250 mg. 1161-AM. / ARKOTITRATS: (root) plants sprayed with evaluation by criomolienda active ingredients (for Pharmaceutical Compounding). Package of 70 g.
Dosage: ARKOCAPSULAS. 2 to 3 capsules 3 times daily after meals, with a large glass of water.
Presentation: Bottles of 50 and 250 capsules. Dosage: 6 capsules daily.
-Bellsolá (QUIMIPLAN, SA.)
Presentation: Tablets: topaz glass bottle containing 60 tablets of 400 mg ea Dosage: According to medical criteria.
-defs, SA
Presentation: Dry extract nebulized. Excerpt fluid. / Glycolic extract. Excerpt hydroglycolic. / Tincture.
Presentation: (Root) Ext fluid (1 / 1) dry Ext (2.5 / 1), Ext glycolic (V5).
Dosage: Fluid extract: 10 drops, 3 times a day. / Dry extract: 300 mg per day in 3 divided doses.
-Novartis Nutrition, SA. Presentation: (root) plant stock.
Dosage: Stock plants. Macerated: 1 teaspoon per 1 / 2 liter of boiling water. Marinate overnight. Divide into three portions.
PLANT-POL Presentation: Bag of 60 g.
defects E Toxic
The devil's claw is not very toxic, only in some individuals or in overdose may receive a mild laxative effect at the start of treatment usually resolves spontaneously . Overdosing can cause liver damage.
U sos:
His most famous properties in the traditional use is its effect antirheumatic, and anti-inflammatory, the both of which are used topically, as oral administration.
These properties are known since long ago by the native peoples of southern Africa, and now scientifically proven.
R eference
- 1) Bruneton, J. Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry of plants medicinales.2da edition. Spain, Ed Acribia, 2001. 592p.
- 2) Suppresses harpagoside lipopolysaccharide-induced iNOS and COX-2 expression Through inhibition of NF-kB activation by Tom Hsun-Wei Huang "et al" Journal of Ethnopharmacology , 104 (1): 149-155, March 2006.
- 3) Various Authors. British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. 4 th edition. Great Britain, Ed British Herbal Medicine Association. 1996. 70p.
- 4) Various Authors. Fitoterapia: Vademecum of Limitations. Medicinal Plants (3 rd Edition). Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMasson, 1998. 251p.
- 5) Various Authors. PDR for Herbal Medicine. 4th Edition. Montvale, Thomson Healthcare, 2007. 254p.
Authors, Vania Silva, Javier Castro
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Adolescent Jockstraps
22% of the world's plants threatened with extinction
22% of the world's plants threatened with extinction according to research that has assessed the dangers that threaten to plant species.
The study, which involved British scientists, indicates that thousands of the 380,000 different species are known as both endangered mammals and are more threatened than birds.
The study indicates that between 80,000 and 100,000 kinds of plants are found endangered worldwide, a figure 50 times higher than the number of native species in the British Isles.
Most endangered species are native to tropical forests, where it grows the largest variety of plants, and islands that are in the middle of the ocean like Easter and Bermuda .
measures contributing most to this are those caused by man, from the mega crop, where thousands of hectares of crop biodiversity are changed by a single species, and also by indiscriminate felling of forests.
Notably, the plant image is not dying, is perfectly healthy XD, but if it is in danger of extinction, this plant is the Welwitschia mirabilis , endemic to the desert of Namibia (South West Africa) is one of the most peculiar plants of the world, this is super strong, can live almost without water, and has been given an estimated life of almost 2000 years!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Singapore Credit Suisse It Interview
section PODIS NO! Mr. Trololo
today we bring you 2 videos, really no need, nor ways to describe, just watch them
today we bring you 2 videos, really no need, nor ways to describe, just watch them
Desmu Not Opening Rom
MUSICAL - continues!
The exhibition of cartoons on MUSICALITY Mrs. Rosa Art House , Columbus 279 Quilmes, continues until 31 October.
may be accessed at the following times :
Monday through Friday from 16 to 20 hours.
Saturdays and Sundays from 17 to 21 hours.
I'll be doing another the Guided Tour: Saturday 16
18: 30 pm.
- Free admission -
Here are some sample photos:
The exhibition of cartoons on MUSICALITY Mrs. Rosa Art House , Columbus 279 Quilmes, continues until 31 October.
may be accessed at the following times :
Monday through Friday from 16 to 20 hours.
Saturdays and Sundays from 17 to 21 hours.
I'll be doing another the Guided Tour: Saturday 16
18: 30 pm.
- Free admission -
Here are some sample photos:
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