Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Women In Double Girdles

The Castro Dictatorship is responsible .... Statement of the 4th

H / T to Juan Antonio Labiatae for this photos! the 4th

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

M450 Answering Machine Instructions

STATEMENT 4th period

The Secretariat of the Chamber of Labour of the National Board of Representatives of the parliamentary Coalition, representing the same in using the powers given to us in plenary, we strongly condemn the vile murder of compatriot Juan Soto Wilfredo Garcia, known in Santa Clara by (Student), Forum member Anti Totalitarian Kingdom (Fantu) and the Central Opposition Coalition.

Soto Garcia, a man with 46 years of age, who suffered from enlargement of the heart, kidney and others, was severely beaten last day 5 by two policemen in the Parque Leoncio Vidal Santa Clara, to claim their right citizen to be in place. The incident occurred in the presence of police officers politics: more Carlos Alexander, chap. Asari and other unidentified bystander prevented a take out photo from the beating with what is clearly their responsibility to the event.

The student, died on 7 of this, close at 12 pm, as a result of injuries internal shocks caused him to police. His funeral took place on day 8 in the afternoon with the attendance of a large number of family members and opponents, to whom fired the match Guillermo (Coco) Fariñas, who Raul Castro blamed for what happened.

The Cuban leader recently instigated to use any violence against opponents arguing that the street was of the revolutionaries, so that the failure occurred is within the context of its responsibility. Also for the same reason are being revived Rapid Response Brigades, groups of violent action reminiscent of "La Porra Machado." Adding to the fever hits a TV spot where he give a shot to head to a netizen with the image of Uncle San, but actually represents the opposition.

warning about this dangerous course called the president who has already claimed its first victim. Alberto A.

Moreno Fonseca Department of Labor

Álvarez Raúl Borges

Secretary of Labor Francisco Chaviano González

Ministry of Labour (Spokesperson)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Can You Use Make Up On Efudix

4th period Activists: Cuban dissident Juan police beat to death Wilfredo Soto García

fellow FREEDOM fighter
From Uncommon Sense :
Cuban dissident Juan

Wilfredo Soto García died early this morning, less than three days after police brutally beat him.

Soto, 46, a former political prisoner known as "The Student," was sitting in a Santa Clara park on Thursday when police ordered him to leave.

"They started to beat him, and from there they took him to the hospital," said independent journalist Guillermo Fariñas.

Soto was later released but then had to be readmitted, this time in intensive care.

Fariñas said dictator Raúl Castro is guilty of Soto's murder, noting how Castro last month said the right of Cubans to "defend the revolution" against opposition would never be denied.

Soto suffered from heart and kidney failure, hypertension, diabetes, gout and other diseases, and the official cause of death was listed as pancreatitis. However, his niece noted that there was bruising in the kidney region of his body.

"His family knows that he died from beatings, and there are witnesses" to what happened, said opposition activist Idania Yanez Contreras.

Numerous activists accompanied the family to a funeral home. Outside, secret police agents were keeping watch on the activities, according to reports.

Fariñas said Soto would be buried at 2 p.m. Sunday.

Soto was first jailed as a 17-year-old high school student on a charge of "sabatoge of social property" — when he earned his nickname. An activist with the Central Opposition Coalition, Twice Imprisoned WAS Soto Also on Charge of "enemy propaganda."


List Of The Original 151 Pokemon In Order


Very often I hear strong criticism of the Cuban community in exile on the island and those looking to get rid of the control of the dictatorship of the Castro and the Communist Party of the Cuban nation, which has more than half century in power. Consider terrorism to try to overthrow the dictatorship of the Castro brothers are regarded as the legitimate rulers of Cuba.

Just because some people are in control of a country does not mean who are the legitimate rulers of that nation.

We must remember that during the Second World War, the defunct Soviet Union invaded, conquered and incorporated the Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Many in the international community refused to recognize these republics as part of the Soviet Union, but were in total control of them. These additions were considered illegal.

Today something similar happens with places such as Las Malvinas, Tibet and more. Ownership does not mean law especially when it is by force.

the Castro brothers in Cuba are in control of the country but that does not mean they are legal rulers.

When the ruler breaks the covenant with the people leading him to power, that's what they did the Castro brothers with the Cuban people, whose agreement was to restore democracy and the Cuban constitution of 1940, to respect private property, to free elections and multiparty at 18 months after gaining power.

never When a ruler is elected by his people and betrays him to become absolute dictator contrary to everything he promised.

When a ruler uses force to maintain power, lying, killing, imprisoning, torturing and using state terrorism as they do the Castro brothers.

When a ruler is the country as his private property, citizens lose their rights, properties and exist only to fulfill the will of the ruler which even rent to foreign governments as do the Castros.

gobernarte When that brings destruction and misery to his country and not care about the welfare of its people, as do the Castros.

When a ruler destroys his country in body and soul, has no credibility of his people which is gagged and frightened in this regime of terror, as did the Castros.

This ruler who is outside the laws of decency and humanity and has destroyed any rule of law, this ruling is illegitimate, that government is illegal.

That Cuban people have suffered and betrayed every right and reason in the world to remove any possible way.

Ulises Larramendi

Los Angeles California USA

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Migraines Discharge Air Force

MIAMI: Presentation / IMAGES HABANERAS Dr. Darsi Ferrer

The Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American


book launch "IMAGE HABANERAS II"


Gilberto F. Huguet

In this second volume of images Habaneras, the author continues through the city to see, among other things, the growth of small urban cell established by the Bay to reach its full development: its neighborhoods, its streets, its main monuments, palaces, hotels, etc .- The University, its founding and development of student protests and their impact on the political life of the nation. - Havana English, its beneficial consequences .- San Carlos Seminary, Cuban Forge, Father Varela, their rich religious and patriotic work .- The spectacular flight Evangelina Cosio .- The deeds of the Pilot Agustin Parla .- History of Transportation Urban: the first car, the chitin and carriages, the first automobiles, buses, trams, the "nurses", the "Violetera", the "well painted." The above topics and others, collected in fifteen chronic simple "peppered" with curiosities, anecdotes and colorful details.

WELCOME: Azalea Carrillo, poet and writer, author of numerous books of short stories and poems, for which he won several awards. His latest work: Evening of Stories, is now in bookstores.

PRESENTATION: Dr. José Sánchez-Bondy, former professor at the Universities of North Carolina and Puerto Rico. Author of 125 books covering all genres. Columnist for the Journal of the Americas.

AUTHOR: Gilbert F. Huguet, an accountant and successfully practiced that profession in Cuba,

Spain, Puerto Rico and Miami. Now retired, always satisfies his literary vocation and his curiosity about historical issues with the publication of the book Images Habaneras which hit the streets and the first volume and now presents the second volume. A third volume of the same work is in preparation.

DATE: Friday May 6, 2011

6:30 pm Cocktail 7:00 pm Presentation

WHERE: Casa Bacardi / Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American

University of Miami, 1531 Brescia Avenue, Coral Gables

RSVP: To book call the Institute at (305) 284-CUBA (2822).

H / T to Joseito for this info!

Diane 35 Or Juliet Side Effects

¨ sickly Council indecision Security · BEZONCA

¨ indecision sickly · Security Council

Havana, Cuba. May 4, 2011.

There is a significant share of cynicism that most frequently the decisions of the Security Council of the UN. His failure to condemn the mass murders being committed by the regime of Bashar al-Assad on the streets and squares of the Syrian cities, shows many similarities to the hesitation that allowed the Libyan dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi, to recover the initiative, allowing strengthen civil war bogged down so far.

imagine what the representatives of the countries of the Security Council? What needs to be left alone to these disparate contenders in Syria, to settle their differences without foreign interference and in strict accordance with national sovereignty? Do you sense that one is going to get tired and will choose to abandon the conflict: the dictatorship of al-Assad with their tanks and assault rifles and the defenseless people of Syria that is putting hundreds of dead?

This situation points to a single address. The Damascus regime and its cronies will not relent in applying criminal measures to crush any manifestation or complaint from the crowds become popular demand freedoms and openness to a democratic system.

The silence of the international community, the lack of consensus for a final sentence to the massacres ordered by al-Assad and diplomatic flirtation, only leads to a dead end, and encourage the genocide who shoot their own people or to suppress their opponents indiscriminately.

A unanimous condemnation of the civilized world is more than urgent. And a lot more diplomatic and especially economic, to make effective pressure on the dome of murderers who run the country on track Syrian. No diplomats political argument on whether or not the fall of the Syrian regime and the supposed cause destabilization in the region, in addition to having an exaggerated account of disgust unpresentable the Iranian regime is something valid to the enforcement and unpunished murders of a town tormented and abused for decades. Again

is necessary to recall that dictatorial regimes are living very aware of how it manifests the international community with some of them when they commit their crimes. And act accordingly, to the unanimous conviction or disagreement pasillera, hysterical with fear or bravado psychopath.

So it's up to the Cubans, the Castro regime, newly budded in a conclave gerontocratic more frustrating for the hopes and aspirations of the population, also notes carefully to the doubters of which are to be zealous and responsible in the Security Council. Accustomed to the bluster and brutality, the top ruling carefully hidden fears and fragility to a future and direct condemnation of the Council of the UN, with reference to the case at some point need to act from being wildly thrown against a population to the streets to demand their rights, as does his friend now, Syrian dictator.

indecisive attitude of the Security Council and other major international political actors, as the block of the 27-nation European Union, of unjustifiable acts of massacres of civilians as those that occur Syria must cease once and for all. People under dictatorships are shaking off their lethargy and is determined to transform the future of their nations with their own hands, at a cost of untold blood, repression and suffering. And that can not be removed through diplomatic blunders or convenience of realpolitik.

A California Dmv That Is Not Busy

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

R V Show Anaheim 2011

Creole Jazz Band Dizzy Gillespie 1949 1921

From the series of Jazz: King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band, acrylic s / wood 100 x 70 cm, 2011.
can see a video of the beginning of this work here.

Birthday Invitations Asking For Money

CLAIMS OF MIAMI: Former political prisoner Ariel Sigler walks! Dr. Darsi Ferrer

This is how Ariel Sigler Looked When He Arrived to the U.S., now take a look at this video !

Gay Cruise Wilmington Nc

¨ Libyan conflict resolution

¨ ¨ Libyan conflict resolution

Havana Cuba. May 3, 2011.

Two months into the civil war in Libya, and besieged by the air forces of NATO, why the dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi does not diminish their offensive thrust? Armored forces suffered devastating attacks, their weapons caches have been bombed, how can you maintain that level of constant offensive? How does the money to pay the hundreds of thousands daily must give their mercenaries and soldiers loyal to the rebels to continue fighting and killing and terrorizing civilians? It becomes clear that the genocide must be cut Gaddafi supply lines of arms, men and money.

amplitude Libyan territory is not an insurmountable obstacle for continuous monitoring of modern military means. A military satellite geostationary or the use of AWACS planes can cover the vast desert area south and east. By the way, could also serve to monitor any desperate action Gaddafi, once they see no way out, that seeks to destroy the water pipes that travel from the prehistoric giant underground tanks to the border with Chad to the coastal cities. This last action would, like Hitler did to the site holding the people of Berlin to the overwhelming Soviet advance in 1945, another attempt to cause suffering and even dispose of their own people.

There is no evidence to prove it, but reports have indicated that western Algeria, as ruled by a military leadership absolutely decadent and hard years, is the best candidate for close to be discovered as the main source of supply the desperate regime of Gaddafi. Members of the Algerian nomenclature are less interested in having a neighbor so close where govern a democratic and open to the West. Libertarian pollution will come out of the blue, filtered through the porous border, as happened with Libya itself after the triumphant Egyptian popular revolution earlier this year.

coalition leaders of NATO should consider the need to consider all military objectives and military officials accompanying Gaddafi in his confrontation and slaughter of the people, their homes and accumulated wealth. So requires no excuse criminal responsibility. Therefore, these dark characters to team up with a bloody dictator against his people should bear the cost of their despicable actions.

Experience the conclusion of the war in Yugoslavia and the Serb crackdown against Kosovo Albanians said it clearly. In the upper echelons of the Serbian regime did not care that the people suffer the destruction of vital strategic objectives as power plants, bridges, etc., under the NATO air strikes. Only when the dome around Slobodan Milosevic began receiving surgical strikes in their lavish homes and palaces, which directly jeopardized their lives and the wealth they amass their collaboration was when the Serbian regime proposed for the immediate surrender.

Across the world, the Cuban dictatorship also feels directly alluded to the repression of the Libyan regime. The ruling elite perceived as a real danger any diplomatic or military offensive seeking to terminate another dictatorship. So the threat of the advent of democracy in the nation North African, is more than likely that rusty old ties with Cuban military regime Libyan buddy was put into operation. The hypertrophied native intelligence network must have received an urgent order to get the batteries and their sources of information and international influence and help Gaddafi as another totalitarian regime is going through such a contingency. Cultural differences, religious or political hue is not obstacle. Wolves in the same litter, in the end his worn relapsed systems are virus free terminal.

Centre for Political Analysis, member of the Civic Platform Consensus.

Ontario Mechanic License Requirements

Peas wth coffee-Yuck !!!!!!! NOT ALL

Cuba who once produced 60,000 tons of coffee and once a top exporter of this is relegated to import Coffee beans and mix it with peas. A tropical island who once was a top producer of sugar, coffee and many other products, but since the destructo brothers took over, they have destroyed everything in sight.

Coffee with peas...que cosa mas grande.....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How Long Does It Take A Tray Of Ice To Freeze

Carron is EDIBLE ... Osama bin Laden

Monday, May 2, 2011

What Happens If A Uhal


Sunday, May 1, 2011

What Do The Diiferent Color Bracelets Mean

Who cares about May Day .......

Today is May Day(commie day) .....52 years of failure and destruction

Friday, April 29, 2011

Microwave Office For Free

"Tricky Ricky" Alarcon at it again

Tricky Ricky Alarcon at it again with another head scratching comment on why the Geritol mafia clan is still in's because the CIA failed to assassinate the destructo clan.....yes, again it always SOMEONE elses fault.

Remember the pulitzer prize comment of:  " If the whole world-its six billion inhabitants-could travel wherever they wanted, the bottleneck in the planet's airspace would be enormous" in response to a simple question from a student on why Cubans can't travel freely.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Liberty Strut Replace

Cuba Act of Repudiation Sara Marta y su familia

Where To Stream Digital Playground

Dr. Orlando Bosch passed away yesterday at the age of 84

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bob Marley Nail Ideas

Reblog: QuadHD, 4K and 2K. Everything you ever wanted to know about the future super-high definition (via Engadget)

Many of you have the feeling that the imaging devices seem to have been stuck in the current standard of HD 1080p Full HD . The monitors that exceed these 1920 × 1080 pixels are few and expensive. Not to mention the above definition TVs with full HD, which are only a handful of prototypes to high prices.
Is there life beyond FullHD? The answer is yes. There are several standards that are the film and far exceeds the resolution of the TVs. Even now there are some home computers, all of them expensive, which are capable of displaying such images. Here we offer a look at the world of super-high definition , where it comes from, where is and what are the main obstacles to its implementation in a short period of time.

format film came

Basically, the 4K format, which is also known (erroneously) as QuadHD , coming of digital cinema. In fact, the cinema has now years filming some of their productions in this format then re-scaled to smaller sizes for distribution. The first film to be shot in 4K data format no less than 2005. This is "Serenity" by Joss Whedon , the science fiction film that put the finishing touch to the TV series 'Firefly'. It is also possible to find some 4K format digital remasters of classic productions .

Expressed in mega pixels, or 2304p format 4K has exactly 4,096 × 2,160 pixels , or approximately four times the pixel density than the current 1080. 2k is, as its name suggests, half (2,048 × 1,080 pixels ) and is another intermediate film format used, sometimes, in some productions and associated with 3D. iMax cinemas, for example, cast their images with two twins in 2K resolution projectors.

The 4K

home computers exist worldwide, and some equipment, counted on the fingers of one hand, capable of displaying images in 4K. Video projectors as JVC DLA-RS4000 , Receivers Audio / Video as the Onkyo TX-NR609 or TV super-wide format as the Sony TRIMASTER QuadHD 56-inch LCD are compatible 4K, but their prices are so exorbitant (JVC model cost around $ 50,000) that are reserved to the whims of consumers with many potential and a big house.

We said before the release was also known as 4K QuadHD. In reality, both concepts refer to different resolutions. Some manufacturers such as Sony and Sapphire have submitted teams whose resolution is slightly less than 4K. This definition, dubbed QuadHD or 2160p, is 3,840 × 2,160 pixels . Technical Problems

The reason behind the downward rescaling of 4K could be something as simple as finding a support compatible. 4K format is compatible with HDMI connections 1.4 but, for now, not fit on a Blu-Ray , which greatly limit its arrival on the market.
Since there are many doubts about the Blu-Ray as a mainstream video format in the future, the solution may be in digital format hosted directly on hard drives. The problem here is distribution. In the absence of a physical format with hints of implementation majority, the most logical way to sell a 4K film distribution would be through streaming .

In fact, Youtube supports 4K since July 2010, but the bandwidth required to move such an image quality is not exactly available to everyone, much less in Spain. Moreover, professional camcorders capable of recording 4K are also very expensive. Red One manufactures a mechanical model that more affordable and more than $ 17,000. Future

medium to long term

opinions about when we will see the first television 4K formats vary widely. Some say they still have to spend 10 years to be a widespread standard. Other sources speak of optimistic as the year 2015 which will see the first shoots of this technology.
The answer unfortunately, still eludes us and we must solve many technical problems related to the format, and distribution. Not to mention the major television networks, which are only now beginning to adapt their infrastructures to 1080. The digital distribution of content such as Netflix, it would be easier, but only if the connections high-speed ADSL beginning to be mainstream.

We close these lines mentioning other projects that even go beyond 4K. The BBC and Japanese network NHK emissions tests are done in a format called Super-Hi Vision serving 4k images or 7K (7,680 × 4,320 4.320p pixels) . Only streaming video during the recording of the latter form requires a bandwidth of 90Gbps . Store an hour of video in that capacity requires 10TB of space and send the results by a 24Gbps connection would need. None of these figures seems within reach of our pockets in a short period of time but, as I said this operetta, "The advance science that is an outrage 'and maybe we got the surprise in the coming years.

Original: # c410811

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mount And Blade Defeating

"An end to classic cars rumbling across Cuba?"

I came across this  article several days ago and of course I mumbled some vulgarities on how dumb the media is concerning Cuba. I decided not to dwell on it, but something inside of me told me NOT to let this one slide by......

So having classic cars around is more important than FREEDOM for the Cuban people? I can't count how many time people have ushered their opinion on what a shame if all those classic cars would go away if change occurs in Cuba, a virtual gold mine for classic car collectors! An easy statement to make for those who have NOT suffered under the castro dictatorship.

You have to be a total idiot or  YOU just don't care about the Cuban people.

It's been 52 years of a DICTATORSHIP, the revolution has been a TOTAL FAILURE, the castro mafia brothers have virtually destroyed Cuba, CHANGE has not occurred, and   ANOTHER CASTRO IS IN POWER!

I wish the clueless media STOP fabricating articles that tends to tilt in favor of the communist dictatorship.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Do Colored Bracelets Mean?


Today we celebrate with joy that our savior had risen from the dead. Our Lord died for us and for our sins! A joyous occasion that we celebrate with family and friends...yet, today we await the resurrection of Cuba from the dead. Many have died and many have paid the ultimate price for Cuba to be FREE. Darkness and sin still reign over Cuba holding our brethren captive, but with hope and faith, the day will come that Cuba will be resurrected!
This month eleven years ago my beloved grandfather passed away and with him a little torch and yearning for Cuba to be resurrected from the dead passed away with him. I did not realize at that time, he was passing the torch of liberty, FREEDOM, and the quest for Cuba to be FREE. All those years while sitting in his rocking chair, telling my brother and I over and over, what really happened to our family and to our fellow brethren due to the apartheid dictatorship. We can not forget the translation service that we provided and his famous words: "Dile" and then in translation telling the culprit: "He is not happy with you!" after softening and changing the colorful language that he used!
No, he was not perfect man, he had many faults, but as my Abuelo he was perfect to me!
God bless you Abuelo and may God bless all my family and friends!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Can You Take Lorazepam Everyday

looks like: my Gmail

Hello, in this post I want to share 3 tricks you customize my Gmail, so it would look SO AWESOME!

1 - Thanks at a recent function Gmail's issues, we can customize from the background image and color scheme and text windows to do this in the upper right corner we will mail settings, and then the themes tab, where you can choose from some presets, but the last option let us create our own theme , where we can upload the background image want.
With these settings unfortunately you can not make any window transparent or translucent, so that we would be something like this:
2 - To get to see the inbox translucent and display the background image, in my case the Triforce, we have used as the Chrome browsers or and download Firefox extension Stylish , which allows us to pimp and modify as some pages are in this case we Google Classic Perfect Dark, but given that this also will make us search our Google will be with a black background, but may find other things out there that may just be for Gmail and have the translucent effect, just remember that we can mix songs on one page, so if you activate 2 to while these merge!
should be noted that this option will only work on your own computer and using the browser Stylish, if they begin section on another computer, only to see changes to your account .

3 - This is a great new look, but makes some things more comfortable adding the button, "mark as read" for this have to activate Gmail Labs, and seek this option from the list.

That's all folks, hope you might help.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Difference Between Pulp And Puree

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, when the Lord our savior died on the cross for our sins. He died for US and for the Glory of God. Man’s glory is that of power through manipulation. Jesus died on the cross at 3:00 PM, it is said if we honor the hour with the Three O’clock prayer to the Divine Mercy, our petitions will be heard!
“You expired, O Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls and an ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us. O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You. Amen”
We need to get our priorities right, the world is now fixed on material wealth and power. It’s not about US, we need to do what is right! Easier said that done, right? I remember when I was about 13 years old on a Good Friday, my dear Grandmother explained to me that this was a day for prayer, not to play music, and basically a day reserved to remember what Christ did for us. I laughed it off as hocus-pocus and went out full of myself to play basketball at the park hooting and hollering. Several hours later I was in the ER with a broken arm. When I got home I got an ear full from my Grandmother and other family members about honor and dignity. How I could not simply honor Our Lord, who was CRUCIFIED for US? Selfish I was and still am!
My dear Lord, we honor you this day for your endless sacrifice!
How many have sacrificed for Cuba’s FREEDOM in a dignified way? We ask that Cuba one day will be resurrected!
God bless my family, friends, and my FREEDOM loving brethren!

Household Items To Masterbate For Women

caught confessed God!, The 646 Pokémon together to destroy all Special

No more words, here, the mother of family photos

click to enlarge
are 5

this makes me wonder, what lies ahead

original link
