¨ sickly Council indecision Security · BEZONCA
¨ indecision sickly · Security Council
Havana, Cuba. May 4, 2011.
There is a significant share of cynicism that most frequently the decisions of the Security Council of the UN. His failure to condemn the mass murders being committed by the regime of Bashar al-Assad on the streets and squares of the Syrian cities, shows many similarities to the hesitation that allowed the Libyan dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi, to recover the initiative, allowing strengthen civil war bogged down so far.
imagine what the representatives of the countries of the Security Council? What needs to be left alone to these disparate contenders in Syria, to settle their differences without foreign interference and in strict accordance with national sovereignty? Do you sense that one is going to get tired and will choose to abandon the conflict: the dictatorship of al-Assad with their tanks and assault rifles and the defenseless people of Syria that is putting hundreds of dead?
This situation points to a single address. The Damascus regime and its cronies will not relent in applying criminal measures to crush any manifestation or complaint from the crowds become popular demand freedoms and openness to a democratic system.
The silence of the international community, the lack of consensus for a final sentence to the massacres ordered by al-Assad and diplomatic flirtation, only leads to a dead end, and encourage the genocide who shoot their own people or to suppress their opponents indiscriminately.
A unanimous condemnation of the civilized world is more than urgent. And a lot more diplomatic and especially economic, to make effective pressure on the dome of murderers who run the country on track Syrian. No diplomats political argument on whether or not the fall of the Syrian regime and the supposed cause destabilization in the region, in addition to having an exaggerated account of disgust unpresentable the Iranian regime is something valid to the enforcement and unpunished murders of a town tormented and abused for decades. Again
is necessary to recall that dictatorial regimes are living very aware of how it manifests the international community with some of them when they commit their crimes. And act accordingly, to the unanimous conviction or disagreement pasillera, hysterical with fear or bravado psychopath.
So it's up to the Cubans, the Castro regime, newly budded in a conclave gerontocratic more frustrating for the hopes and aspirations of the population, also notes carefully to the doubters of which are to be zealous and responsible in the Security Council. Accustomed to the bluster and brutality, the top ruling carefully hidden fears and fragility to a future and direct condemnation of the Council of the UN, with reference to the case at some point need to act from being wildly thrown against a population to the streets to demand their rights, as does his friend now, Syrian dictator.
indecisive attitude of the Security Council and other major international political actors, as the block of the 27-nation European Union, of unjustifiable acts of massacres of civilians as those that occur Syria must cease once and for all. People under dictatorships are shaking off their lethargy and is determined to transform the future of their nations with their own hands, at a cost of untold blood, repression and suffering. And that can not be removed through diplomatic blunders or convenience of realpolitik.
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